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Letter to the Editor
Spinal cord angiography and Rene Djindjian
  1. Eric J Russell
  1. Correspondence to Dr Eric J Russell, Department of Radiology, Northwestern Radiology, 676N St Clair, Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60611, USA; e-russell{at}

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I write to congratulate Santillan et al1 on a fine basic review of spinal cord vasculature and related imaging modalities, but also to point out that, as time goes by, the older literature may fall by the wayside, largely forgotten. Ordinarily I try not to act like a dinosaur and point such things out, but the authors do mention (on page 69) in reviewing the vascular supply of the cervical spinal cord, that “according to ‘Djindjan’, other small contributors may arise from …

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