Table 3

Associations between endovascular reperfusion therapies performed according to American Heart Association class I level A recommendations (reference group includes patients treated with endovascular reperfusion therapies outside American Heart Association class I level A recommendations) with early outcomes on multivariate analyses

Multivariate analysis*Early outcomeAssociationp Value
Logistic regression3 month mortalityOR: 0.38 (0.08 to 1.41)0.135
Logistic regression3 month favorable functional outcome†OR: 0.97 (0.28 to 3.35)0.963
Linear regressionNeurological improvement during hospitalization‡β: −8.2 (−24.6 to −8.2)0.321
  • *Adjusting for Alberta Stroke Program Early CT score, intravenous thrombolysis, intubation during the procedure, and elapsed time from symptom onset to groin puncture.

  • †Modified Rankin Scale score of 0–2.

  • ‡Quantified using the difference between admission and discharge NIHSS scores.

  • β, unstandardized linear regression coefficient.

  • NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale.