Table 3

First row: the cumulative 3-year rate of acute ischemic strokes (AIS) and large vessel occlusions (LVOs) plus all M2 occlusions in the hospital’s four-county primary service area (PSA) with a population of 210 000. Second row: the annual incidence of AIS and ‘LVO plus M2’ occlusions per 100 000 people in the PSA. Third row: the results extended to the US population for 2016 to generate an annual national incidence of ‘LVO plus M2’ occlusions

All AIS, nLVO+M2, n (95% CI)
PSA 3 year cumulative1361193 (163 to 218)
PSA incidence/100 000/year21631 (26 to 35)
USA 2016 population 324 000 000700 03499 227 (84 004 to 112 005)