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Open surgery
- Cerebral revascularization for the treatment of complex intracranial aneurysms of the posterior circulation: microsurgical anatomy, techniques and outcomesJared M Pisapia, Brian P Walcott, Brian V Nahed, Kristopher T Kahle, Christopher S OgilvyJournal of NeuroInterventional Surgery Sep 2011, 3 (3) 249-254; DOI: 10.1136/jnis.2010.004176
- Microsurgical retrieval of an endovascular microcatheter trapped during Onyx embolization of a cerebral arteriovenous malformationBrian P Walcott, Jason L Gerrard, Raul G Nogueira, Brian V Nahed, Anna R Terry, Christopher S OgilvyJournal of NeuroInterventional Surgery Mar 2011, 3 (1) 77-79; DOI: 10.1136/jnis.2010.002733
- Surgical access on the superior ophthalmic vein to the cavernous sinus dural fistula for embolizationChuhan Jiang, Xianli Lv, Youxiang Li, Zhongxue Wu, Jitong ShiJournal of NeuroInterventional Surgery May 2013, 5 (3) e13; DOI: 10.1136/neurintsurg-2011-010227
- Pharyngo-occipital artery variant arising from the internal carotid artery impacting surgical technique during carotid endarterectomyRandall B Graham, Patrick A Sugrue, Rudy J Rahme, H Hunt Batjer, Bernard R BendokJournal of NeuroInterventional Surgery May 2013, 5 (3) e14; DOI: 10.1136/neurintsurg-2011-010215
- Blind endovascular catheterization and direct access of an occluded superior ophthalmic vein for treatment of carotid cavernous fistulaAli Alaraj, Bobby Kim, Gerald Oh, Victor AletichJournal of NeuroInterventional Surgery May 2014, 6 (4) e30; DOI: 10.1136/neurintsurg-2013-010704.rep
- A single burr hole approach for direct transverse sinus cannulation for the treatment of a dural arteriovenous fistulaJustin M Caplan, Ian Kaminsky, Philippe Gailloud, Judy HuangJournal of NeuroInterventional Surgery Feb 2015, 7 (2) e5; DOI: 10.1136/neurintsurg-2013-011011.rep
- Anaesthesia
- Cardiovascular medicine
- Arrhythmias
- Cardiomyopathy
- Ischaemic heart disease
- Valvar diseases
- Diagnostics
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- Emergency medicine
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- GI bleeding
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- Palliative care
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- Pharmacology and therapeutics
- Psychiatry
- Alcohol-related disorders
- Anxiety disorders (including OCD and PTSD)
- Child and adolescent psychiatry
- Drugs misuse (including addiction)
- Eating disorders
- Impulse control disorders
- Memory disorders
- Mood disorders (including depression)
- Personality disorders
- Psychotherapy
- Psychotic disorders (incl schizophrenia)
- Sexual and gender disorders
- Sleep disorders
- Somatoform disorders
- Rehabilitation medicine
- Renal medicine
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- Rheumatology
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- Sexual transmitted infections (bacterial)
- Sexual transmitted infections (viral)
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- Conditions
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- Editor's choice (72)
- JNIS sections
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- Case reports (51)
- Clinical neurology (91)
- Editorials (71)
- Head and neck (110)
- Hemorrhagic stroke (568)
- History (14)
- Ischemic stroke (716)
- Neuroimaging (266)
- New devices (298)
- Open surgery (15)
- Socioeconomics (117)
- Spine (113)
- Standard (50)
- Tumor embolization (29)
- Open access (124)
- Press releases (11)