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P-036 Novel liquid embolic material for the use of endovascular treatment: a hydrophilic polymer composite activated by the Ca2+ in the blood
  1. I Yuki1,
  2. K Ohkawa2,
  3. F Hsu1,
  4. S Suzuki1
  1. 1Neurosurgerey, UC Irvine Medical Center, Orange, CA
  2. 2Bioengineering, Institute for Fiber Engineering Shinshu University, Ueda, Japan


Introduction/Purpose The New Generation Liquid Embolic Material (NGLEM) is a clear liquid that immediately forms a solid hydrogel cast upon exposure to Ca2+ in the bloodstream. Catheter entrapment is avoided because the material is not adhesive, and the use of organic solvents such as DMSO is unnecessary. The main components of NGLEM are widely used as food additives in the medical and food industries, with much evidence of their biocompatibility. The mechanical behavior of this new liquid embolic material was evaluated using an in vitro vascular model as well as an in vivo experimental model using a swine.

Materials and methods Experiment 1) A silicon vascular model with multiple aneurysms were connected to a programmable pulsatile flow pump, and isotonic aqueous solution containing 2 mM calcium chloride was circulated. A microcatheter was placed in the aneurysm model, and 1 ml of NGLEM was injected. The behaviors of the injected material and the visibility under fluoroscopy were recorded. Experiment 2) To evaluate the mechanical performance of the NGLEM using in vivo model, a rat renal artery was catheterized with a microcatheter, and NGLEM was injected into the artery. Angiographical evaluation was performed.

Results Experiment 1) The injected NGLEM formed spherical shaped gel and occluded the aneurysm. Once the injection was completed, the catheter was withdrawn without entrapment. The NGLEM mixed with contrast medium showed sufficient radiopacity under fluoroscopy. Experiment 2) A total of 5 renal arteries of 3 rats were treated with NGLEM. All procedure was performed without technical complications. All vessels were completely occluded with NGLEM, and the total volume required for the occlusion was between 0.4 ml to 0.8 ml. No increased thrombogenicity was observed during the procedure. Post procedure aortogram showed complete occlusion of the treated artery.

Abstract P-036 Figure 1

NGLEM injection in a static electrolyte solution (A) The injected NGLEM forms a cylindrical shaped hydrogel upon exposure to a buffered electrolyte solution. (B) A segment of the hydrogel is extracted from the solution, and its mechanical strength is tested. Note the hydrogel picked up and held with a forceps shows the rubberlike property without being torn off by a vigorous shake.

Conclusion NGLEM, which is a DMSO free, non-adhesive bio-polymer may be used as an embolic material for endovascular procedure.

Disclosures I. Yuki: 1; C; Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) Pilot Award (NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award initiative), Principle Investigator, April 1st. 2019 – present. K. Ohkawa: 1; C; 17H02080, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Ohkawa, Kousaku (PI) 04/01/17–03/31/21. F. Hsu: 1; C; Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) Pilot Award (NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award initiative). S. Suzuki: 1; C; Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) Pilot Award (NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award initiative).

Conclusion NGLEM, which is a DMSO free, non-adhesive bio-polymer may be used as an embolic material for endovascular procedure.

Disclosures I. Yuki: 1; C; Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) Pilot Award (NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award initiative), Principle Investigator, April 1st. 2019 – present. K. Ohkawa: 1; C; 17H02080, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Ohkawa, Kousaku (PI) 04/01/17–03/31/21. F. Hsu: 1; C; Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) Pilot Award (NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award initiative). S. Suzuki: 1; C; Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) Pilot Award (NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award initiative).

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