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E-028 Particle sizing through in-line holography
  1. I Smith
  1. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ


Introduction/Purpose Endovascular devices are becoming more widely accepted ischemic stroke treatment options in patient healthcare. Current device testing methods must be developed to quantify downstream particulate migration. In vivo models are limited by local vessel structure and may lack neurovascular feeder vessels. Limited feedback devalues assessment of particles and downstream movement of devices/materials. NAU’s Bioengineering Devices Lab has developed an in vitro blood flow and stroke model, which replicates the conditions of the neurovascular system. In prior workings, the in vitro model has quantified material particles via filtration and microscopy to analyze captured particles. This process was time, resource, and data-intensive and required flow within the model to cease as researchers interchange filters. Now a noninvasive method allows researchers to quantify and characterize particles in real time.

Materials and methods These improvements are made possible through digital holography. Holography records a particle’s amplitude and wavefront phase to produce a pattern that can create a 3D holographic image with a CMOS camera. The pump delivers pulsatile flow with a pressure profile that tunes to physiological conditions. The Holographic system consists of a HeNe laser and an in-line cuvette to analyze the liquid passing through with light refraction (figure 1).

Abstract E-028 Figure 1

Holography Imaging Setup. Laser diffraction compares the particle index to refraction of the particles to determine size. Digital convergence of 3D diffraction patterns to 2D particle image via algorithm is conducted. PPODA-QT injects into the in-vitro model’s aneurysm bubble, and a LabView VI (National Instruments, TX) processes real-time particulate migration data

Results Long and short term testing helps determine the potential material efficiency within the vascular system. Analysis of real-time data will quantify particulate size. Results then are compared to (<USP 788> -table 1) regulations.

Abstract E-028 Table 1

(<USP 788>) Specifications for injectable liquids and particulate size

Conclusion The study results will help predict device performance within the neurovascular system to affirm the safety of the polymer biomaterial, PPODA-QT, in practical usage. With state of the art equipment and procedures, new innovative research arises.

Disclosures I. Smith: None.

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