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Comaneci-assisted coiling of a right posterior communicating artery aneurysm: an unusual case of coil retention
  1. Georgios S Sioutas,
  2. Mohamed M Salem,
  3. Jan-Karl Burkhardt,
  4. Visish M Srinivasan,
  5. Brian T Jankowitz
  1. Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Penn Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
  1. Correspondence to Dr Brian T Jankowitz, Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Penn Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA; brian.jankowitz{at}; Dr Georgios S Sioutas; georgios.sioutas{at}


Although endovascular embolization has become the main treatment option for intracranial aneurysms,1 2 wide-necked intracranial aneurysms remain difficult to coil.3 Both stent- and balloon-assisted coiling are used for wide-necked aneurysms because they provide a scaffold that protects the parent vessel during coiling.4 5 However, stent-assisted coiling requires dual antiplatelet therapy, which increases the risk of bleeding, whereas balloon-assisted coiling temporarily obstructs blood flow.4 6 7 The Comaneci device (Rapid Medical, Yokneam, Israel) has recently received US Food and Drug Administration approval as a ‘temporary coil embolization assist device’.5 It temporarily covers the aneurysm neck and allows safe coiling, avoiding the disadvantages mentioned above.6–8 A potential complication of Comaneci-assisted coiling is coil retention when it adheres to the device on recapture; this complication should be promptly recognized and managed.5 9 10 In this video, we present an unusual case of coil retention with the Comaneci device (Video 1).

Video 1
  • Aneurysm
  • Angiography
  • Coil
  • Complication
  • Device

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  • Twitter @GSSioutas, @MMSalemMD, @JanKarlBurkhar1, @visishs, @BrianJankowitz

  • Contributors Video creation: GSS; Manuscript preparation: GSS and MMS; Narration: VMS; Performed the procedure: BTJ; Critical review: J-KB, VMS, and BTJ; Final approval: all authors.

  • Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.

  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.