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E-042 Classification of persistent trigeminal artery variants
  1. T Chaudhry,
  2. B Jahromi,
  3. W Metcalf-Doetsch
  1. Neurointerventional Radiology, Northwestern, Chicago, IL, USA


The persistent trigeminal artery (PTA) is the most common embryologic anterior to posterior circulation anastomosis. It results from failed embryologic differentiation from the paired longitudinal arteries. The incidence of this rare variant ranges from 0.1-0.6%. The most common PTA variant is characterized by supply to the PCA and SCA territories with a diminutive vertebrobasilar system (Saltzman type 1). We present a case series of rare variants other than Saltzman type 1 PTA which are important for the neurointerventionalist to know including PTA supply to the ipsilateral AICA (type III) and PTA supply directly to pons perforators (not described within the known classification systems). These variants are important to know in the setting of stroke etiology, perfusion dynamics in stenosis, neurovascular compression of cranial nerves, and WADA testing. Certain variants can be detrimental in the setting of pituitary surgery and provide guidance on surgical approach prior to neurological surgery.

Disclosures T. Chaudhry: None. B. Jahromi: None. W. Metcalf-Doetsch: None.

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