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E-163 WEB embolization: indications and innovation
  1. B Lucke-Wold
  1. Neurosurgery, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA


The treatment of intracranial aneurysms has seen incredible advancements. Long-term occlusion of wide neck bifurcation aneurysms remains technically challenging. The WovenEndobridge (WEB) embolization device is innovative in its construction and uses. The design of the device has evolved over the last decade. Preclinical and clinical trials are ongoing and continue to inform the development of intrasaccular flow-diverting devices. The safety and efficacy of the WEB device has yielded promising clinical results that may have additional indications. This systematic-review aims to discuss the development of the WEB device and the current state of use.

Abstract E-163 Figure 1

Angiogram of anterior communicating artery (ACom) aneurysm (A) early stasis post WEB (B) visualization of device placement

Abstract E-163 Table 1

Registered trials and their current statuses

Abstract E-163 Table 2

Completed clinical trials result summary

Abstract E-163 Figure 2

Current Classification for Intracranial or Cerebral Aneurysm Reoccurrence. Class III is divided to indicate progression to occlusion outcomes. Class IIIb complete occlusion is less likely versus Class IIIa (85.11% vs 16.67%, p<0.001) [31 43]. This image was generated using Biorender

Disclosures B. Lucke-Wold: None.

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