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E-168 Is fetal-type posterior cerebral artery a risk factor for recurrence in coiled ICA-PCoA aneurysms? Analysis of conventional statistics, computational fluid dynamics, and random forest with hyper-ensemble approach
  1. J Chung1,
  2. J Cheong2,
  3. J Kim2,
  4. D Lee3,
  5. H Yi4,
  6. K Choi4,
  7. J Ahn5,
  8. J Park5,
  9. W Park5
  1. 1Neurosurgery, Dankook University, Cheonan, Chung Nam, Korea, Republic Of
  2. 2Neurosurgery, Hanyang University Guri Hospital, Guri, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Republic Of
  3. 3Radiology, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, Republic Of
  4. 4Neurosurgery, Hanyang University Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, Republic Of
  5. 5Neurosurgery, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, Republic Of


Background The fetal-type posterior cerebral artery (FPCA) has been regarded as the risk factor for recurrence in the coiled posterior communicating artery (ICA-PCoA) aneurysm However, it has not been proven in previous literatures.

Objective We applied conventional statistical analysis, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation and random forest with hyper-ensemble approach (RF with HEA) are applied to reveal the impact of FPCA on the recurrence of ICA-PCoA aneurysms.

Materials and Methods Vascular parameters and clinical information from patients who underwent coil embolization ICA-PCoA aneurysms from January 2011 to December 2016 were obtained. Conventional statistical analysis was applied to a total of 95 cases obtained from patients with more than 6 months of follow-up. For CFD simulation, three sets of 3D models were used to understand the hemodynamical characteristics of various FPCAs. And the RF with HEA was applied to reinforce the clinical data analysis.

Results The conventional statistical analysis fails to reveal that FPCA is a risk factor. CFD analysis shows that the diameter of FPCA alone is less likely to be a risk factor. The RF with HEA shows that the impact of FPCA is also minor compared to that of the packing density in the recurrence of coiled ICA-PCoA aneurysms.

Conclusions The gathered results of all three analyses show more clear evidence that FPCA is not a risk factor for coiled ICA-PCoA aneurysms. Hence, we may conclude that FPCA itself is doubtful to be the major risk factor in the recurrence of coiled ICA-PCoA aneurysms.

Disclosures J. Chung: None. J. Cheong: None. J. Kim: None. D. Lee: None. H. Yi: None. K. Choi: None. J. Ahn: None. J. Park: None. W. Park: None.

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