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E-246 Professional board certification for nurses, advanced practice providers, and radiology techs working in neurointerventional labs: the certified neurointerventional clinician™ (CNIC)
  1. A Doerr1,
  2. B Fill1,
  3. M Sabapathypillai2,
  4. C Ortiz1,
  5. H Shownkeen1,
  6. A Alexandrov3,
  7. C Valasco4,
  8. A Richardson5,
  9. A Alexandrov6
  1. 1Neuro Interventional Radiology, Northwestern Medicine Central Dupage Hospital, Winfield, IL, USA
  2. 2Interventional Neuroradiology, Monash Health, Melbourne, Australia
  3. 3Banner University Medical Center Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ, USA
  4. 4Neuroscience, Penn State Health Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA, USA
  5. 5Stroke Program, Penn State Health Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, IL, USA
  6. 6University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, USA


Background Working in a neurointerventional lab requires specialized knowledge that includes understanding of neurological conditions, anatomy, products, and procedures. While neurointerventional labs may be housed within larger interventional labs, a gap in specialty certifications has existed with the neurointerventional lab specialty not recognized by credentialing agencies. Similar to certifications offered for cardiac and electrophysiology specialists (RCES; RCIS; CV-BC; and CVRN-BC), we sought to develop specialty professional certification for nurses, advanced practice providers (APP), and radiology techs working in neurointerventional labs.

Methods An international, interprofessional content expert consortium was assembled by the Association of Neurovascular Clinicians (ANVC) to map expected competencies for nonphysician licensed professionals working in neurointerventional lab settings. Content validity supported initial selection of key knowledge and skill components for development of teaching materials (slides, core curriculum textbook) and test items. Materials were reviewed by external content experts and then implemented in regional meetings with nonphysician licensed neurointerventional lab clinicians across the United States.

Results The Certified Neurointerventional Clinician (CNIC) was launched in September 2022 (San Antonio) with additional offerings in December 2022 (Chicago), June 2023 (Boise), July 2023 (San Diego), September 2023 (Louisville), and December 2023 (Phoenix). Participants to date include registered nurses, radiology techs, nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, and physician assistants. Preliminary psychometrics demonstrate sound internal consistency reliability (Chronbach alpha = .81). Ongoing psychometric and qualitative analyses are underway to further refine the teaching and testing components.

Conclusions Attainment of CNIC™ certification demonstrates expertise in neurointerventional lab competencies that include clinical and neuroimaging diagnosis of stroke, evidence-based management principles for both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke subtypes, and capabilities to safely support peri-procedural management in the neurointerventional lab.

Disclosures A. Doerr: None. B. Fill: None. M. Sabapathypillai: None. C. Ortiz: None. H. Shownkeen: None. A. Alexandrov: None. C. Valasco: None. A. Richardson: None. A. Alexandrov: None.

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