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P075/165  Safety and effectiveness of the neuroform atlas stent assisted coil embolization for ruptured intracranial aneurysm: comparison with the neuroform 3 and ez stent
  1. Jung Ho Ko1,
  2. Jung Hwan Park2,
  3. Kyu Sik Heo2
  1. 1Dankook University, College of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, Cheonan, South Korea
  2. 2Dankook University Hospital, Cheonan, South Korea


Introduction The Neuroform atlas stent has a thinner wire and lower radial force compared to previous stents, so it is thought that a safer procedure will be possible even in ruptured case.

Aim of Study The safety and effectiveness of using the Neuroform Atlas stent for ruptured cerebral aneurysms were compared with previous stents to find out.

Methods Clinical and Radiological records of cases of SAC for ruptured aneurysms during 10 years were retrospectively reviewed. Patient data including procedural complication and follow-up result were collected. The total population was divided into the previous Neruform group and the Neuroform atlas group, and the initial procedural complications and the angiogrphic follow-up results were compared.

Results Total stents were used for 147 ruptured cerebral aneurysms, The Neuroform atlas stents were used in 64 patients, and previous the Neuroform stents were used in 83 patients. Comparing the two groups, the rate of thromboembolism among early complications occurred in 6.3% (4 cases) in the atlas group compared to 12.0% (10 cases) in the control group. Of the total of 99 patients who underwent follow-up, 45 patients were in the Atlas group, and among them, the rate of recurrence requiring treatment was 22.2% (10 patients), and the control group was 14.5% (8 patients), which was higher in the atlas group.

Conclusion The use of the Neuroform Atlas stent in ruptured cerebral aneurysms has obtained safer results than the use previous stent. This result might be reasonable for ruptured cases.

Disclosure of Interest Nothing to disclose

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