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P167/255  First clinical experience with the new NeVa NET thrombectomy device including distal microfiltration
  1. Roland Schwab1,
  2. Buhk Jan-Hendrik2,
  3. Daniel Behme1
  1. 1University Clinic for Neuroradiology, University Clinic Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
  2. 2Department of Neuroradiology, Asklepios Hospital St. Georg, Hamburg, Germany


Introduction For large vessel occlusions of the anterior circulation, mechanical thrombectomy is nowadays considered as standard of care. The favorable outcome depends on the final result of reperfusion and the first pass effect (FPE). The clot composition and distal embolization influence the FPE negatively. To aim those predictors, the new NeVaTM NET stentretriever (Vesalio, Nashville, Tennessee) was developed and includes the first integrated clot microfiltration system in the distal tip.

Aim of Study In the current study, we share our first clinical experience with this new device.

Methods We retrospectively included all patients treated with the NeVaTM NET device from October 2022 until May 2023 at two German thrombectomy centers. The reperfusion for each pass is measured with the extended thrombolysis in cerebral infarction score (eTICI).

Results We included 15 patients. The location of the occlusion was in 80% (n=12) in the intradural internal carotid artery (ICA) or the carotid-T. The average clot length is 32,87 mm (SD 14.84; min. 13 mm; max. 60 mm). In these two locations, the first pass reperfusion (FPR) is in 75% (n=9) eTICI2b50 or higher. The final reperfusion (FRR) is in 100% (n=12) eTI-CI2b50 or higher. In average 2.5 (SD 1.8) passes were necessary. There were no intraprocedural complications. A distal embolization occurred overall in 26.7% (n=4). All of them in a new territory.

Conclusion The NeVaTM NET thrombectomy device is efficient and safe, even for long clots and complex intradural ICA or carotid-T occlusions.

Disclosure of Interest Nothing to disclose.

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