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P127 Real-world patient outcomes following emergent large vessel occlusion treated with the emboguard balloon guide catheter
  1. Jenny Tsai,
  2. Maria Martucci,
  3. Rebecca Achey,
  4. M Ammar Abdulrazzak,
  5. Gabor Toth,
  6. M Shazam Hussain
  1. Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, USA


Introduction The use of balloon guide catheters in the treatment of emergent large vessel occlusion is associated with better clinical outcomes at 90 days. There is limited data on whether the use of a balloon guide catheter is associated with a higher rate of clinical improvement prior to 90 days.

Aim of Study We aim to assess whether the use of the Emboguard Balloon Guide Catheter for treatment of acute ischemic stroke is associated with better neurological outcomes at discharge.

Methods Deidentified data from the Neurovascular Quality Initiative – Quality Outcomes Database (NVQI-QOD) was analyzed. The database was reviewed to identify patients who underwent mechanical thrombectomy for emergent large vessel occlusion with an Emboguard Balloon Guide catheter. Baseline patient demographic, clinical, and imaging characteristics, and clinical and imaging outcomes were assessed.

Results 71 patients underwent mechanical thrombectomy between September 2022 and January 2024. Their mean age is 69.3±14.8 years. 65 (91.5%) of patients had a baseline (mRS) of 0-1, and an NIH Stroke Scale score of 16.5±7.1. 52% had an M1 occlusion, and 21.5%, a tandem occlusion. Reperfusion occurred at 9.5±8.6 hours from estimated onset. The mean access-to-reperfusion time was 39.5±20.4 minutes, with mTICI 2b-3 reperfusion in 91.6%. There was a 10-point decrease in mean NIHSS at discharge (6.5±6.9). No complications occurred related to the balloon guide catheter. At discharge, 32.4% of patients went to acute rehabilitation and 36.6% returned home.

Conclusion In the NVQI-QOD, the use of the Emboguard Balloon Guide Catheter is associated with excellent clinical outcome at discharge.

Disclosure of Interest yes JP Tsai: Consultant for Cerenovus; MS Hussain: Scientific Advisory Board for Cerenovus, Clinical Event Committee Chair for MEMBRANE study.

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