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O31 Continuous evaluation of the ESMINT/EYMINT E-fellowship: impact of a new non-fixed mentor to fellow allocation during the fourth season of the program on the educational outcome
  1. Matthias Bechstein1,
  2. Helena I de Sousa Guerreiro1,
  3. Anna Andriana Kyselyova2,
  4. Marie Teresa Nawka1,
  5. Jens Fiehler1,
  6. Vladimir Kalousek3,
  7. Uta Hanning1
  1. 1University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf, Dept. of Neuroradiology, Hamburg, Germany
  2. 2Unispital Zürich, Neuroradiologie, Zürich, Switzerland
  3. 3Sisters of Mercy Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia


Introduction The EYMINT e-fellowship was launched in 2020 to foster neurointerventional training and has since enrolled 98 fellows to remotely observe cases by telestreaming. Evaluation identified the fixed allocation of a fellow and mentor as limiting factor to reach a sufficient case load. The program has therefore been modified to expose fellows to all telestreamed cases. It is hypothesized that this increases the cases observed by a fellow and hence the educational outcome.

Aim of Study Assessment of case volume and procedural knowledge improvement per fellow.

Methods Prospective evaluation of telestreamed cases from 02 - 08/2024 via questionnaires.

Results While seasons 1-3 had an average of 166 cases with a fixed fellow-mentor allocation, the current season 4 is based on a non-fixed allocation. A case triggers an alarm to all fellows using a dedicated smartphone app, which then participate on a time-available basis. The proctor (defined as the fellow who is able to directly speak to the treating interventionalist) is being selected on a first-come first-served basis, and channels questions to the treating interventionalist to minimize distraction from the large audience. Interim analysis points to a stable number of transmitted cases (50 within the first 8 weeks), but increased numbers of fellows per case (mean 7.3, SD +/- 4.6, range 0 – 18). Case variety is similar to previous seasons with equal distribution of hemorrhagic and ischemic cases.

Conclusion Tele-observerships may improve from a non-fixed mentoring. Further analysis is needed to clarify if the increased case exposition outweighs the reduced personal mentoring during the training process.

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