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P072 History of a complex AVM
  1. Mariangela Piano,
  2. Amedeo Cervo,
  3. Antonio MacEra,
  4. Claudia Rollo,
  5. Alessio Vitiello,
  6. Guglielmo Pero
  1. Neuroradiology, ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milan, Italy


Introduction (We present a case of a a complex AVM treated endovascularly since 1996 and cured by surgery.

Case Description (A 60 years old female, affecting by a huge left parieto-occipital AVM, symptomatic for headache and visual disturbances, was treated since 1996 to 2015 using all endovascular techniques.

Then she had radiosurgey on the pial compartment, complicated by radionecrosis.

Finally she was cured by surgery on the remnant part.)

Results (The endovascular treatment of cerebral AVM experienced several approaches and techniques.

The multidisciplinary team may obtain the cure in complex cases)

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