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P101 Aneurysm originating from embyological variant primitive lateral basiloveertebral anastamosis
  1. Justin Thomas1,
  2. Trilochan Srivastava2,
  3. Arunnath Kalappuraikkal3
  1. 1Caritas Hospital, Kottayam
  2. 2SMS Medical College, Jaipur
  3. 3Pacific Medical College, Udaipur


Introduction The primitive lateral basilovertebral anastomosis (PLBA) is an embryonic longitudinal channel connecting developing branches of the vertebrobasilar system. It represents the cranial equivalent of the posterior-lateral spinal artery.

Aim of Study We report a case of aneurysm arising from such an anomaly.

Methods A 38-year-old male presented with headache and sudden unconsciousness. CT scan revealed subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and intraventricular bleed. Cerebral angiogram showed an aneurysm arising from the connection between the right vertebral artery and the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) to the anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA), a remnant of PLBA.

Results Coiling was performed through the left vertebral artery due to significant spasm in the right vertebral artery. The patient recovered post operatively.

Conclusion PLBA is an embryonic channel linking lateral branches of the vertebrobasilar system. Knowledge of such anatomical variants is essential for Neuroradiologists managing aneurysms from these anomalies.

Abstract P101 Figure 1

Aneurysm arising from abnormal connection between right AICA and PICA

Abstract P101 Figure 2

Coiling done for aneurysm arising from PLBA

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