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Purpose To create a reproducible canine model of giant aneurysms.
Materials and methods Seven mongrel dogs were used for this study. All procedures were performed under an institutional approved protocol. Anesthesia was induced with propofol 10 mg/kg intravenous injection, and maintained using 1–5% isoflurane and 100% oxygen. After the neck was sterilely prepped and draped, bilateral 10 cm incisions were made medial to each external jugular vein. 30 mm segments of both external jugular veins were ligated, removed and placed in heparinized saline (1000 U heparin/100 ml saline). The left common carotid artery (CCA) was ligated proximally and a temporary vascular clamp was placed distally. A tunnel was created under the trachea to pass the left CCA to the right side. Temporary clamps were placed proximally and distally on the right CCA. An 8 mm arteriotomy was made on the right CCA midway between the clamps. The distal segment of the left CCA was then anastomosed to the base of the right CCA. Both external jugular vein segments were opened longitudinally and angled (arrowhead shaped) incisions were made into both vein segments so that they would match the arterial opening where the right and left CCAs had been anastomosed. The opened segments of the jugular veins were then anastomosed to form a single cylinder using a running suture technique. Once this was done the resulting vein pouch was sewn into the opening between the right and left CCA. All vascular sutures were performed using 7-0 prolene suture. The temporary vascular clamps were removed, and if any leaks were seen, additional sutures were used until hemostasis was established (Abstract P-010 figure 1A). Incisions were closed using absorbable suture. The surgical procedure took 2.5 h. Animals were allowed to recover for further studies. Angiograms were preformed 4.5 weeks after the aneurysm creation.
Results Six of seven aneurysms remained fully patent 4.5 weeks post-creation (Abstract P-010 figure 1B). During this interval, animals showed no surgical related complications. No medication was needed to prevent thrombus. Aneurysm dimensions are shown in Abstract P-010 table 1.
Conclusion We successfully developed a reproducible giant aneurysm model using a vein patch technique.
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Competing interests None.