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The HDE: what is it good for? Absolutely nothing?
  1. Charles Joseph Prestigiacomo
  1. Correspondence to Dr Charles Joseph Prestigiacomo, Neurological Surgery, New Jersey Medical School, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, 90 Bergen Street, Suite 8100, Newark, NJ 7101, USA; presticj{at}

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To what purpose does the editorial serve? If one looks at the most popular periodicals, one of the editorial's fundamental functions is to focus the readership on one or several of the most important articles contained within that issue. Sometimes, it focuses the readership on an issue that is relevant to the majority of readers: for Time magazine, it could reflect issues of the world; for JNIS it could reflect upon issues that affect neurointerventionalists. One thing that every editorial shares, irrespective of which periodical, is that it is an opinion: an opinion of one or several individuals, but an opinion nonetheless. Our esteemed founding Editor-in-Chief (EIC) has provided us with much food for thought in his prior editorials. History, education and teaching standards, the need for research and development all have been erudite opinions discussed by Dr Tarr. Because of Dr Tarr's comments, we have wished upon stars, have been made to believe in Santa Claus and have sung to the tune of the Sound of Music. I even went out and bought myself a pair of sunglasses! Yes, the editorial is vital to any periodical and is not taken lightly for it is the flavor of the periodical. Simply put, it sets the tone.

And so it is a privilege to follow in the steps of our editor and be given the opportunity …

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