Article Text
Case report
Paradoxical embolus to the brain from embolization of a carotid body tumor
A patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a common heart defect in the general population. Paradoxical embolization of material through a PFO has been an identified cause of stroke. Taking measures to recognize a PFO in a patient undergoing intra-arterial particulate embolization is necessary in order to reduce the risk of stroke secondary to paradoxical embolism. We present a case of paradoxical stroke in a patient with a highly vascular head and neck tumor and an asymptomatic PFO.
- Carotid body tumor
- paradoxical embolus
- head and neck interventions
- aneurysm
- angiography
- arteriovenous malformation
- CT angiography
- vascular malformation
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Competing interests None.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.