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SNIS 9th annual meeting electronic poster abstracts
E-077 Manual aspiration thrombectomy through balloon-tipped guide catheter for rapid clot burden reduction in endovascular therapy for ICA L/T occlusion
  1. M Eesa,
  2. M Almekhlafi,
  3. A Mitha,
  4. J Wong,
  5. M Goyal
  1. Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Purpose Timely recanalization during endovascular procedures for acute ischemic stroke can be challenging in cases with large clot burden as those encountered in the terminal internal carotid, T- or L-type occlusion.

Methods A novel but simple technique to achieve fast reduction in clot burden in stroke patients with occlusion of the internal carotid artery termination is described where manual suction using a 60 ml syringe applied through an 8-French Balloon guide catheter positioned in the cervical carotid vasculature with proximal flow arrest allows subsequent revascularization of the residual middle cerebral artery clot.

Results The use of manual suction through balloon-tipped guide catheter in ICA L- or T-type occlusion is illustrated. This resulted in significant reduction of the clot burden and facilitated further interventions leading to full recanalization.

Conclusion Manual suction using 60 ml syringe through balloon guide catheter is a useful and feasible technique that facilitates thrombectomy of large burden cerebral clots.

Competing interests None.

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