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Nothing changes on New Year's day
  1. Robert W Tarr
  1. Correspondence to Dr R W Tarr, Department of Radiology, University Hospitals Case Medical Center, 11100 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, Ohio, OH 44106, USA; robert.tarr{at}

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How true a statement is that? Although the song, ‘New Year's day’ by U2 was in fact written about the Polish solidarity movement in the early 1980s, the nice thing about song lyrics is you can pretty much bend the meaning to be whatever you want. Usually, this works out fine. The notable exception is when Tipper Gore is the one bending the meaning.

‘Nothing changes on New Year's day’. So, what does that lyric mean to me? Well, to me it means that nothing really does change on New Year's day. Despite all of our expectations for the start of the new year, despite all of our resolutions, despite all of our celebrations in anticipation of a bright new beginning, we wake up on January 1 and everything is pretty much the same as it ever was. We may be a bit hung over or simply worn out from the previous 3 month blitz of holiday celebrations but the world outside our window looks pretty much the same as it did on December 31. Day in and day out, whether it is January 1, April 20, June 6, or November 13, we may feel like we are Bill Murray in the movie ‘Groundhog day’ perpetually waking up to Sonny and Cher serenading us with ‘I've got you babe’. The song pretty much remains the same.

However, while life may seem static, the fact is that one constant in life is the inevitability of change. The world is continuously changing, but the …

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