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E-130 pre-treatment prediction of aneurysm recanalization following endovascular coiling: a single-center modification of a validated prediction score
  1. M Fusco1,
  2. M Chua2,
  3. M Froehler1,
  4. A Thomas3,
  5. C Ogilvy4
  1. 1Neurological Surgery, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA
  2. 2Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
  3. 3Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA
  4. 4Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Nashville, MA, USA


Introduction Endovascular coiling has proven to be a safe and effective method of aneurysm treatment. However, its long-term durability remains unknown and difficult to predict. A previously published prediction score of various factors has been shown to reliably predict rates of recanalization across institutions. However, this prediction is dependent on treatment related outcomes. The present study attempts to predict the recanalization rate based on a modification of this scale using only aneurysm and patient factors rather than treatment related outcomes as well.

Methods A retrospective single center analysis of of all endovascularly coiled aneurysms from 2009 to 2013 was undertaken using the previously published predication score criteria (size, presence of thrombus, rupture status) as well as smoking history. The primary outcome was evidence of increased Raymond Roy outcome, indicating recanalization.

Results The outcomes will be analyzed using a multivariable logistic regression analysis and weighted similar to previously published recanalization prediction scores.

Conclusions The ability to accurately predict which aneurysms will recanalize prior to treatment can greatly affect treatment decisions as well as follow up patterns. We aim to further clarify these relationships with a modification of a previously published prediction score.

Disclosures M. Fusco: None. M. Chua: None. M. Froehler: None. A. Thomas: None. C. Ogilvy: None.

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