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Hear me, see me, feel me
  1. Robert W Tarr
  1. Correspondence to Dr R W Tarr, Department of Radiology, University Hospitals Case Medical Center, 11100 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA; robert.tarr{at}

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Pull my chin, stroke my hair, scratch my nose, hug my kneesTry drink, food, cigarette,Tension will not ease.I tap my fingers, fold my arms, breath in deep, cross my legsShrug my shoulders, stretch my back—but nothing seems to please.I need contactI need contactNothing seems to pleaseI need contact—Peter Gabriel, 1982

There have been numerous ‘ages’ throughout history; the bronze age, the industrial age, the gilded age, and so forth. We have the pleasure of living smack in the middle of the information age. Each age has had its own peculiarities, I suppose, as does our own.

It is said that information is power. While I agree, the right information in the right person's mind does bequest a certain degree of power to that individual, the dilemma in our age is sifting through the innumerable photons of information which bombard us on a daily basis in order to absorb the right information for our particular minds in order to gift ourselves with the …

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  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.