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Case report
Republished: Just a drop of cement: a case of cervical spine bone aneurysmal cyst successfully treated by percutaneous injection of a small amount of polymethyl-methacrylate cement
  1. Robert Fahed1,
  2. Frédéric Clarençon1,
  3. Guillaume Riouallon2,
  4. Evelyne Cormier1,
  5. Raphael Bonaccorsi3,
  6. Hugues Pascal-Mousselard3,
  7. Jacques Chiras1
  1. 1Department of Interventional Neuroradiology, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpétrière, Paris, France
  2. 2Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Groupe hospitalier Paris Saint-Joseph, Paris, France
  3. 3Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpétrière, Paris, France
  1. Correspondence to Dr F Clarençon, Department of Interventional Neuroradiology, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpétrière, 83, boulevard de l'Hôpital, Bâtiment Babinski, Paris 75013, France; fredclare5{at}


Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) is a benign hemorrhagic tumor, commonly revealed by local pain. The best treatment for this lesion is still controversial. We report the case of a patient with chronic neck pain revealing an ABC of the third cervical vertebra. After percutaneous injection of a small amount of polymethyl-methacrylate bone cement, the patient experienced significant clinical and radiological improvement.

  • Cervical
  • Neck
  • Spine
  • Technique
  • Tumor

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