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Case series
Lower vertebral-epidural spinal arteriovenous fistulas: a unique subtype of vertebrovertebral arteriovenous fistula, treatable with coil and Penumbra Occlusion Device embolization
  1. Ramsey Ashour1,
  2. Darren B Orbach2
  1. 1Department of Neurosurgery, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  2. 2Neurointerventional Radiology, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  1. Correspondence to Dr Darren Orbach, Neurointerventional Radiology, Boston Children's Hospital, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA; darren.orbach{at}


A vertebral-epidural spinal arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is an abnormal arteriovenous shunt connecting the vertebral artery to the spinal epidural venous plexus, and may occur spontaneously or secondary to a variety of causes. These unique lesions are uncommon in adults and rarer still in children. Previous reports have grouped together a heterogeneous collection of such arteriovenous lesions, including arterial contributions from the upper and lower vertebral artery, with venous drainage into a variety of spinal and paraspinal collectors. Here, through two cases, we delineate a distinct entity, the lower vertebral-to-epidural AVF. The salient clinical and anatomic features are summarized and contextualized within the broader constellation of vertebrovertebral AVF, the utility of a transarterial intravenous/retrograde intra-arterial endovascular approach is highlighted, and a new use of the Penumbra Occlusion Device (Penumbra Inc) for this purpose is reported.

  • Arteriovenous Malformation
  • Epidural
  • Vascular Malformation
  • Pediatrics
  • Spine

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Case No 1

A 4-year-old girl was incidentally found to have a new, loud, machine-like holosystolic murmur audible upon auscultation of the neck, chest, and most prominently, the back. She was otherwise asymptomatic, and there were no capillary skin stains. There was no contributory family history, and her medical history was otherwise unremarkable. Magnetic resonance angiographic imaging studies and catheter angiography demonstrated a high-flow direct right vertebral-epidural spinal arteriovenous fistula (AVF) at the level of C6–C7, just proximal to the entry point of the vertebral artery into the foramen transversarium. There was no retrograde intradural spinal venous drainage (figure 1A, B (top and bottom)). A technically complicating feature of this case was the common origin and close proximity of the supply to the AVF (figure 1C, top) and a large radiculomedullary supply to the cervical spine (figure 1C, bottom), precluding safe use of a liquid embolic agent because of the risk of embolization into the anterior spinal arterial axis. At the same time, dense packing of the epidural space with a bulky coil mass, potentially exerting mass effect on the spinal cord or nerve roots, had to be avoided. Thus, the decision was made to create a loose coil construct at the epidural plexus AVF collector site, which would act as a scaffold to allow retrograde coiling back into the lower vertebral artery branch supply to the lesion, in a distal-to-proximal, venous-to-arterial manner, obliterating the fistula (figure 2A–C, left and right images). The presenting murmur resolved immediately after the procedure, and the patient recovered uneventfully. Follow-up angiography performed 1 year after embolization (figure 2D, left and right images) and MRI imaging performed 5 years after embolization (figure 2E) showed no evidence of recurrence, and the patient remains asymptomatic.

Figure 1

(A) Coronal MR angiography demonstrating an enlarged brachiocephalic artery and lower right vertebral artery segment. The right side of the epidural plexus is well opacified by arterial signal on this MR angiogram, consistent with vigorous arteriovenous flow. (B) Top—frontal view of a right vertebral artery injection showing rapid opacification of the right epidural plexus, consistent with arteriovenous inflow from the lower vertebral artery. Bottom—lateral view of the same injection, showing the posteriorly oriented vertebral artery branch feeder to the arteriovenous fistula (AVF) (red arrow). (C) Top—microcatheter injection into the vertebral artery branch showing instantaneous epidural plexus opacification. Bottom—with a very slight turn of the microcatheter from the position of the top image, vigorous supply to a radiculomedullary feeder to the cervical anterior spinal axis is seen. The green arrow connecting panels B and C indicates the slight twist of the catheter resulting in opacification of the AVF in (B) versus opacification of the anterior spinal axis in (C).

Figure 2

(A) Left—microcatheter injection into the proximal epidural plexus, where the coil framework was initially placed. Right—interim injection during the embolization, with the filling defect showing the coil mass progressing in a retrograde manner from the epidural plexus to the vertebral artery branch feeder. (B) Frontal (left) and lateral (right) views of the right vertebral artery injection after embolization, showing definitive closure of the arteriovenous fistula (AVF), with all flow now directed in an antegrade manner into the distal vertebral artery. (C) Unsubtracted views of the right vertebral artery injection after embolization, showing the position of the coil mass. (D) One-year follow up angiography, showing frontal (left) and lateral (right) views of the right vertebral artery injection. There has been interval remodeling of the V1 segment of the vertebral artery, which is now normal in caliber, with no evidence of recurrent AVF. (E) Coronal MR angiogram obtained 5 years after embolization, showing stability of the treatment, with normal caliber of the brachiocephalic and lower right vertebral arteries and no evidence of arteriovenous flow.

Case No 2

An 8-year-old boy was incidentally found to have a new, loud, machine-like holosystolic murmur audible upon auscultation of the neck, chest, and most prominently, the back and suboccipital region. He was otherwise asymptomatic, and there were no capillary skin stains. There was no contributory family history. His medical history was notable only for ventricular septal defect repair in infancy. MRI demonstrated a direct right vertebral-epidural spinal AVF at the level of C6–C7, just proximal to the entry point of the vertebral artery into the foramen transversarium. There was no retrograde intradural spinal venous drainage (figure 3A). Catheter angiography showed the arteriovenous flow to be very rapid (figure 3B, left and right images). A microcatheter was navigated from the right vertebral artery, through the involved branch feeder, and into the proximal epidural venous outlet of the fistula, with intended treatment as for case 1 above. However, in this case, the vertebral branch supplying the AVF was short (figure 3C), and its angulation was such that in the setting of the extremely high fistulous flow, there was instantaneous unfurling forward into the epidural plexus of the variously sized and shaped coils that were positioned at the site but not detached (figure 4A). Therefore, a 4 mm Penumbra occlusion device (POD) was first deployed at the junction site of the distal arterial branch feeder with the proximal epidural venous collector, and unlike the coils attempted, maintained its position (figure 4B). Several platinum coils were then deployed sequentially behind the POD, working in a distal-to-proximal, venous-to-arterial manner to obliterate the fistula (figure 4C–E). The presenting murmur resolved immediately after the procedure, and the patient remains asymptomatic.

Figure 3

(A) Coronal MR angiogram showing an enlarged brachiocephalic artery and lower right vertebral artery segment. The right side of the epidural plexus is well opacified by arterial signal on this angiogram, consistent with vigorous arteriovenous flow. (B, left and right) Frontal views of a right vertebral artery injection showing very rapid opacification of the right epidural plexus, consistent with arteriovenous inflow from the lower vertebral artery. (C) Sagittal reconstruction of a cone-beam CT acquisition, with injection of the right vertebral artery. The red arrow shows the short right vertebral artery branch feeder to the arteriovenous fistula.

Figure 4

(A) Frontal unsubtracted view shows a coil rapidly unfurling into the epidural plexus, driven by rapid arteriovenous flow. (B) Frontal unsubtracted view shows a 4 mm Penumbra occlusion device (POD) deployed within the proximal epidural plexus and distal right vertebral artery branch feeder, maintaining its position in the face of rapid antegrade flow. (C) Frontal view of an injection after deployment of the POD, before the deployment of supplementary coils. Arteriovenous flow remains, though is slower than at baseline. (D) Frontal view of an injection after deployment of the POD and one supplementary coil. Arteriovenous flow remains, though is now markedly slower. (E) Frontal unsubtracted view showing the final construct of POD plus coils. (F) Frontal view of an injection after deployment of the POD plus supplementary coils, showing definitive closure of the arteriovenous fistula, with no residual arteriovenous flow.


The two cases reported above are strikingly similar in their clinical presentation, lesional anatomy and morphology, and treatment technique/result. Embryologically,1 ,2 the craniocervical junction represents a transition point from a spinal intersegmental arterial organization to a carotid-based system. In the first few weeks of development, each of the 31 somites is associated with one pair of intersegmental arteries from the dorsal aorta. While the temporary connections between the first six cervical segments and the dorsal aorta go on to regress, the vertebral arteries originate as the C7 intersegmental branches. With regression of the other cervical intersegmental branches, the longitudinal axis of the definitive vertebral arteries within the foramen transversarium results from the coalescence of the first six cervical intersegmental arteries.

In contrast, at the craniocervical junction, development is instead organized along the caroticovertebral anastomoses—namely, the trigeminal, otic, hypoglossal, and proatlantal intersegmental arteries. These temporary connections between the carotid arteries and the plexiform longitudinal neural arteries go on to regress, and the longitudinal neural arteries unite to form the definitive basilar artery.

Thus, for arteriovenous lesions affecting the upper vertebral artery, distinct embryologic pathways of coalescence and regression between the cervical intersegmental arteries and the longitudinal neural arteries may be related to developmental anatomic variants, as has been emphasized in previous reports.3 However, the mid and lower cervical longitudinal axis of the vertebral artery represents purely intersegmental development, and is thus thought less likely to be a congenital lesion originating from anatomic variants. One potentially relevant anatomic variant involving the lower vertebral artery is that of intraforaminal entrance at C44 rather than C6; in these cases, the ascending cervical artery (which develops from the C4 segmental artery) is thought to supply the lower ‘vertebral’ artery, rather than the C7 intersegmental artery. However, neither of our patients manifested this variant.

The similarity between the two cases presented here is marked: in both, school-age children manifested a clearly new and non-subtle symptom—a machine-like holosystolic murmur. The likelihood is thus very high that the arteriovenous lesion was either entirely of recent origin, or else lay dormant from birth with undetectably low flow, and developed a dramatic flow increase soon before diagnosis. As the AVF was located in both cases precisely at the mechanical pivot point where the vertebral artery entered the foramen transversarium suggests that the cause may be related to shear or torsion on the artery at the site. In the second case, given the distant history of ventricular septal defect repair, the possibility of an iatrogenic central venous catheter-related fistula could also be considered.5

The distinction between upper and lower vertebral arterial development underlies the most well-known classification of vertebrovertebral AVF (VVAVF), due to Rodesch and Lasjaunias.6 However, they characterized lower vertebral AVF as typically low flow, with large paraspinal collecting venous pouches; this is clearly a different entity from the two cases described here, both of which showed high flow. Other authors3 have proposed that traumatic lesions tend to affect the lower vertebral artery, whereas spontaneous lesions tend to characterize the upper vertebral AVF, though this distinction has not been clearly proved. Overall, no left- or right-sided predominance has been clearly demonstrated in the current literature; however, individual reports have occasionally suggested otherwise.

In addition to the above distinction between upper and lower vertebral artery AVF, venous drainage is an important factor. The term VVAVF has been broadly used to characterize extradural AVFs in which the arteriovenous shunt occurs between the vertebral artery and any adjacent venous structure, including jugular,7 suboccipital,8 paraspinal,9 and epidural veins.3 When epidural venous drainage is present, more often than not, it occurs indirectly via retrograde drainage from the primary paraspinal venous drainage of the fistula. True single-hole vertebral-epidural spinal AVFs, in which the vertebral artery fistulizes directly with the epidural venous plexus,10 are extremely rare. Normal connections between the intradural and extradural spinal venous systems may be characterized by sharp angulations that naturally prevent retrograde extradural-to-intradural venous drainage11 or harbor an otherwise poorly understood anti-reflux mechanism;12 however, in the setting of an AVF, retrograde intradural drainage into the perimedullary or intramedullary spinal veins may occur and must be identified or excluded as part of the diagnostic evaluation.

Considering all VVAVF, the most common presenting sign of a vertebral-epidural spinal AVF is an objective bruit,13 with other recognized clinical presentations including radiculopathy due to local mass effect from epidural venous compression,14 myelopathy related to retrograde intradural venous drainage/congestion,15 subarachnoid or epidural hemorrhage,16 high-output congestive heart failure,9 and vertebrobasilar insufficiency secondary to arterial steal.17 The natural history of direct lower vertebral-to-epidural single-hole AVF is unknown, though given the presence of very high flow into a capacious venous collector, the eventual development of high-output cardiac failure would not be unexpected. In our cases, treatment was offered because of the new-onset murmur, the presumed theoretical risk of lesion and clinical progression, and the relatively low expected risk of curative intervention.

In adults, VVAVFs most commonly result from spontaneous or iatrogenic trauma, or are associated with connective tissue diseases such as neurofibromatosis15 or fibromuscular dysplasia.18 In children, VVAVFs have been reported to present either as a symptomatic ‘high-flow’ congenital lesion in the very young19 or as an asymptomatic ‘low-flow’ spontaneous lesion in the older pediatric age groups.13 ,20 As mentioned above, our two cases do not fit this previously described pattern of lower vertebral AVF. Careful review of prior publications discloses similar cases of high-flow lower vertebral-to-epidural single-hole AVF, though not previously identified as a unique subtype. For example, although Goyal et al10 described the standard categorization into upper vertebral high-flow versus lower vertebral low-flow AVF, figure 2 in their manuscript depicts a case in a 3-year-old patient morphologically identical to our two cases, presenting with new-onset bruit, treated similarly by them with retrograde venous-to-arterial coil embolization.

Surgical treatments for VVAVFs include radical fistula resection/trapping, clip ligation of the fistulous point, vertebral artery sacrifice, and surgical decompression for spinal canal hematoma or compressive venous ectasia.14 ,15 ,21 ,22 Given the morbidity and technical demands of surgery, including the potential for significant blood loss and the need for wide operative exposure of the upper or lower cervical regions, and in light of continued improvements in endovascular technology, embolization has emerged as a primary approach for treatment of these fistulas. Detachable latex balloons23–25 (not available in the USA) and coils7 ,8 ,17 ,19 have the longest track record for this purpose, although more recently, liquid embolic agents26 ,27 have also been used for spinal AVF embolization. However, unlike coils, which can be retrieved before detachment if the pattern of deployment appears unfavorable, liquid embolic agents are not retrievable after injection, and pose the potential risk of distal embolization through the epidural plexus, or proximal embolization into the vertebral artery. Moreover, close proximity of radiculomedullary arterial supply to the AVF feeder may preclude safe use of a liquid embolic agent, as illustrated in our first case. Additionally, the ability to monitor the pattern of coil deployment before detachment was advantageous, because it allowed us to perform control angiography and ensure that the coils were not prolapsing into the parent vertebral artery. Covered stenting could also have been considered. However, given the associated risks (dual antiplatelet therapy, in-stent stenosis/thrombosis, endoleak, bending/kinking of the stent with motion, etc), and because this treatment would occlude only the arterial inflow without truly occluding the arteriovenous shunt, we felt that direct embolization at the arteriovenous connection was preferable.

The POD is a fairly new hybrid coil designed to achieve occlusion in relatively large arteries, such as the carotid or vertebral artery. The initial loops of the device constitute an ‘anchoring’ segment designed to grip the vessel wall by virtue of a stiffer nitinol core and a helical shape; the contrasting deployment of these initial loops in a POD as opposed to a traditional detachable coil was vividly illustrated in our second case. After the initial anchoring loops are deployed, the device transitions to a softer ‘packing’ segment, designed to create a dense cross-sectional plug, as highlighted in a recent swine model feasibility study.28 In our second case, this device was successfully deployed at the most distal aspect of the proximal epidural venous outlet in order to form a scaffold for retrograde coiling and ensure no distal migration of the coils that were subsequently deployed to occlude the fistula. To our knowledge, this case represents the first reported human use of the POD.

Finally, while some consider the use of a liquid agent mandatory to achieve definitive closure of AVF, both cases discussed here were treated entirely with detachable coil-like devices. Patient 1 is an active athlete who has remained fully engaged in the 6 years since her treatment, so while shear stress may be involved in initial development of lower vertebral AVF, at least in this case, continued torsion of the neck and upper extremities did not result in recurrence after definitive AVF closure.


We describe here two cases of lower vertebral artery-to-epidural plexus AVF, with nearly identical location and morphology, both presenting in young school-age children with new-onset, prominent, holosystolic murmur. Based on embryological considerations, age of presentation, and stereotyped symptomatology, we propose that this entity represents a unique subtype of VVAVF. Additional examples, with identical anatomic and clinical features, can be found in prior publications, but not identified as such. Given the presentation and anatomic localization, with mobility of the involved vertebral segment adjacent to the tethered intraforaminal segment, the lesion probably results from shear forces associated with trauma, rather than being congenital. Even in an era of increased liquid embolic agent use, coil embolization, working from the venous side to the arterial side, remains an effective approach to achieving complete occlusion of these unique lesions while preserving the parent vertebral artery. The POD may be used in such high-flow cases to act stably as a scaffold and prevent further distal migration of subsequently deployed coils during the embolization process.


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  • Contributors RA performed a literature review of articles on vertebrovertebral arteriovenous fistula and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. DBO conceived this case series, edited the manuscript, and contributed the figures.

  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Patient consent Obtained.

  • Ethics approval Boston Children's Hospital institutional review board.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.