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Short Report
Y stenting assisted coiling using a new low profile visible intraluminal support device for wide necked basilar tip aneurysms: a technical report
  1. Marcelo D Conrad1,
  2. Leonardo B C Brasiliense2,
  3. Alexa N Richie3,
  4. Ricardo A Hanel2
  1. 1Neuroendovascular Section, CardioLages Clinic and Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres Hospital (HNSP), Centro, Lages, Brazil
  2. 2Department of Neurosurgery, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida, USA
  3. 3Department of CSU Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida, USA
  1. Correspondence to Dr R A Hanel, Department of Neurosurgery, Mayo Clinic, 4500 San Pablo Road S, Jacksonville, FL 32224, USA; hanel.ricardo{at}


Many endovascular techniques have been described in recent years for the management of wide necked aneurysms. The Y stent assisted technique has been generally used for coil embolization of wide necked bifurcation aneurysms. This technique was first described for the treatment of basilar tip aneurysms in combination with several different devices, demonstrating encouraging results. We report the results of the first two cases of wide necked basilar tip aneurysms treated with Y stent assisted coil embolization using a new low profile visible intraluminal stent (LVIS Jr; MicroVention, Tustin, California, USA) delivered through a 0.017 inch microcatheter. We also reviewed the literature comparing other endovascular techniques (coiling alone, stent assisted coiling, and Y stent assisted coiling) for wide necked aneurysms. The LVIS Jr device offers a new option for the treatment of these challenging lesions, with clear advantages over currently available intracranial stents. Larger series and long term results are needed to confirm the applicability and durability of this technique/technology.

  • Aneurysm
  • Stent

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