Table 2

Technical and clinical outcome following intracranial stenting

Technical outcome
Technical success (deploying the stent across the lesion with < 50% stenosis)98%
Pre-stent stenosis (%) (mean (SD, range))73 (11, 50–99)
Post-stent stenosis (%) (mean (SD, range))21% (7%, 0–40%)
Post-stent imaging follow-up time (months) (mean (SD, range))9 (4, 3–20)
No of patients with follow-up imaging (n (%))29 (56)
Patient with re-stenosis: ≥50% in-stent stenosis (n (%))7/29 (24)
 Occlusion, vertebral1
 Symptomatic (TIA, ICA with amaurosis)1
Distribution of re-stenosis according to vessel location
 Posterior circulation (vertebral 3/10, BA 0/6, PCA 0/1)3/16 (19%); p = 0.24
 Anterior circulation (carotid 2/5, MCA 2/7)4/13 (31%); p = 0.24
Re-treatment for >90% re-stenosis3/7
 Angioplasty with drug eluting stent, ICA1
 Angioplasty alone, vertebral2
Clinical outcome
 Mean clinical follow up time (months) (mean (SD))14.6 (8, 8–30)
 24 h any stroke or death (n (%))1 (2)
 Site related events (pseudoaneurysm, hematoma) (n (%))2 (4)
 30 days stroke or death (including 24 h events) (n (%))4 (8)
 Long term events (ipsilateral stroke or death beyond 30 days, and stroke or death within 30 days) (n (%))5 (10)
  • BA, Basilar artery; ICA, internal carotid artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; TIA, transient ischemic attack.