Table 3

Grading scale for table 2 (modified from Dai and colleagues and Ding and colleagues26–28)

InflammationNecrosisCleftsChangeGross neckMicro neckDomeNeointima
0NoneNoneNoneNoneNo coverageUnorganized clotBlood clotNone
1Mild: scattered inflammatory cells, mostly at neckLess than 50% of wall thicknessLess than 50% of perimeterLess than 50% compactionLess than 50% coverageFibrinDevice onlyLess than 50% neck coverage
2Moderate: inflammatory cells occupy 25–75% of neck and wall50–75% of wall thickness50–75% of perimeter50–75% compaction50–75% coverageFibrin with organized tissueDevice plus fibrous tissue50–75% neck coverage
3Severe: inflammatory cells occupy greater than 75% of neck and wallGreater than 75% of wall thicknessGreater than 75% of perimeterGreater than 75% compactionGreater than 75% coverageOrganized fibroblastic tissueGreater than 75% neck coverage
4Necrosis extends beyond aneurysm wallComplete coverageComplete neck coverage