Table 1

Weighted patient and hospital demographic data

Stent group (N=1316)Non-stent group (N=26 605)p Value
Age (median, IQR)58 (48–67)57 (48–66)0.37
Female gender (%)1039 (79%)19 992 (75%)0.0017*
 White640 (48%)14 254 (54%)0.0005*
 Black54 (4%)1693 (6%)0.0011*
 Hispanic99 (7%)1616 (6%)0.0393*
 Asian370 (1%)0.06
 Other44 (3%)574 (2%)0.0039*
Elective admission85%75%0.0001*
Admission type
 Routine901 (68%)19 226 (72%)0.0038*
 Transfer68 (5%)1138 (4%)0.10
 ED34 (3%)1416 (5%)<0.0001*
Number of diagnoses5 (3–8)5 (3–7)0.08
Number of chronic diagnoses4 (2–5)4 (2–5)0.55
Total discharges (no of patients)25 731 (15 152–42 550)27 452 (20 324–42 550)0.02*
Bed size
 Small44 (3%)708 (3%)0.10
 Medium255 (19%)3035 (11%)<0.0001*
 Large996 (76%)22 376 (84%)<0.0001*
Government (vs private)86%90%<0.0001*
Teaching (vs non-teaching)77%91%<0.0001*
  • Continuous data are displayed as median and IQR; categorical data are displayed as relative frequency.

  • * Significant difference between stent and non-stent groups (p<0.05).

  • National estimate ≤10 and therefore undisclosed as part of the HCUP data use agreement.

  • ED, emergency department.