Table 1

Patient background and aneurysm characterization

Number of patients89
 Mean±SD (range) age, years60.6±12.2 (31–84)
 Female64 (71.9%)
Number of aneurysms92
 Unruptured aneurysms34 (37.0%)
 Ruptured aneurysms58 (63.0%)
 WFNS grade
  119 (32.8%)
  212 (20.7%)
  30 (0%)
  411 (19.0%)
  516 (27.6%)
  Total58 (100%)
Aneurysm location
 Anterior circulation70 (76.1%)
  ICA46 (50.0%)
  ACA16 (17.3%)
  MCA8 (8.7%)
 Posterior circulation22 (23.9%)
  VA10 (10.9%)
  BA11 (12.0%)
  PCA1 (1.1%)
Aneurysm size
 Mean±SD (range) volume, mm3131.3±171.6 (4.2–867.3)
 Mean±SD (range) maximum diameter, mm6.4±2.7 (2.0–14.0)
  Mean±SD (range) dome to neck ratio1.86±0.73 (1.0–4.50)
  • ACA, anterior cerebral artery; BA, basilar artery; ICA, internal carotid artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; VA, vertebral artery; WFNS, World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies.