Table 1

DAVF patients treated with n-BCA

CaseAge/sexLocationCognardEmbolization occlSurg occlComplication
150–59/MR Tr-SigIV+
270–79/ML Tr-SigIV +Tr vis. P.O.
360–69/MR TransIV+
470–79/ML Sph-ParIV+
580–89/FL SigIVDeath, stroke
660–69/FL TentIII+
750–59/FL TransIV+PE
870–79/ML TentV+
970–79/FR Inf PetrIV+Dissection
1040–49/MR Tr-SigIV+
1160–69/MR SagIV+Dissection
1260–69/ML TransIV+
1370–79/FR Sph-ParIV+
1440–49/MR TransIIa+b+SThr, stroke, Sz
1650–59/MSagIIIACA perf x 2
1780–89/ML TransIV*
1840–49/MF Mag vvIV+
1950–59/ML TransIV+
2040–49/ML TransIV+PE
2140–49/MR TransIV+
  • * n-BCA arterial and coils venous sinus.

  • New fistula at edge of craniotomy site at 2 years.

  • ACA perf x 2, anterior cerebral artery perforation x 2; BVR, basal vein of Rosenthal; DAVF, dural arteriovenous fistula; F Mag, foramen magnum; n-BCA, n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate PE, pulmonary embolus; Sig, sigmoid sinus; Sph-Par, spenoparietal sinus; SThr, sinus thrombosis; Sz, seizure; Tent, tentorium; Tr or Trans, transverse sinus; Tr vis. P.O., transient visual change post-op.