Table 1

Exclusion criteria and the number of patients meeting each criterion

Exclusion criteriaNo of patients
Underopacification of the sinuses (density <200 HU).117
Any change in vision93
Potential mass effect on the sinuses:
  • All posterior fossa lesions

  • Any anterior or middle cranial fossa lesion which results in midline shift or herniation

  • Acute stroke (punctate infarctions in the anterior circulation were not excluded)

  • Midline shift or herniation for any reason

  • Hemorrhage

Medically refractory headaches19
Confirmed or presumed idiopathic intracranial hypertension8
Lumbar puncture with opening pressure >202
Multiple sclerosis0
Venous sinus thrombosis0
  • Note that some patients met more than one criterion. In total, 245 patients were excluded.