Table 1

A comparison of the time from symptom onset and Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) for patients admitted from different geographic areas served by the hospital

Time from onset (hours)ASPECTS (anterior circulation)
<6 n (%)≥6 n (%)p Value<6 n (%)≥6 n (%)p Value
PSA (n=129)75 (58.1)54 (41.9)0.03PSA (n=109)29 (26.6)80 (73.4)0.07
SSA (n=97)54 (55.7)43 (44.3)SSA (n=82)26 (31.7)56 (68.3)
PA (n=40)24 (60)16 (40)PA (n=33)12 (36.4)21 (63.6)
Others* (n=58)21 (36.2)37 (63.8)Others (n=45)22 (48.9)23 (51.1)
  • *Others: patients from more distant parts beyond the primary or the secondary service areas either from within the state or from neighboring states; PA: neighboring counties (Fayette, Greene) from PA (within 40 miles).

  • PA, Pennsylvania; PSA, primary service area (within 35–40 miles); SSA, secondary service area (greater than 40 miles).