Table 2

Estimation of the annual incidence of acute large vessel occlusion (LVO) and the total possible patients with LVO per year in the USA

 All AISLVOTime from onset (hours)Occlusion siteASPECTS (anterior circulation)ASPECTS (≥6) and time (T)
<6≥6AnteriorPosteriorASPECTS ≥6ASPECTS<6ASPECTS ≥6
T <6
T ≥6
PSA (3-year cumulative)
Pop. 210 000,
n (95% CI)
1361152(129 to 178)88 (75 to 101)64 (51 to 77)128 (117 to 136)24 (16 to 35)94 (83 to 104)34 (25 to 46)64 (53 to 72)31 (22 to 41)
PSA (annual)
incidence/100 000,
n (95% CI)
21624 (20 to 28)14 (12 to 16)10 (8 to 12)20 (19 to 22)4 (2 to 5)15 (13 to 16)5 (4 to 7)10 (8 to 11)5 (3 to 6)
USA (2015)
Pop. 32 200 000 0,
n (95% CI)
695 71277 569 (65 835 to 91 09145 098 (38 406 to 51 425)32 741 (26 143 to 39 163)65 542 (59 932 to 69 605)12 026 (7963 to 17 636)48 105 (42 213 to 52 to 952)17 113 (12 591 to 23 329)31 866 (27 247 to 36 923)15 343 (11 182 to 20 858)
  • The first row represents the cumulative 3-year rate of acute ischemic strokes (AIS) and LVO strokes in the hospital's four-county primary service area (PSA) with a population of 210 000. Results are stratified based on clot location and time from symptom onset for the entire cohort. Patients with anterior circulation LVO are separately stratified based on time from symptom onset (T) and Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) (A). The thrombectomy eligible population is defined by patients presenting within 6 hours of symptoms onset with an ASPECTS ≥6.

  • The second row represents estimates of the annual LVO incidence per 100 000 people and is similarly stratified based on clot location, time from symptom onset, and ASPECTS.

  • In the third row, these results are extended to the US population for 2015 to generate the total number of possible patients with LVO and estimates for each subgroup.