Table 1

Patients demographics and procedural characteristics

All patientsNew DWI lesions after CASNo DWI lesions after CASP value
 Men78.2% (86/110)8.1% (7/86)91.9% (79/86)
 Women21.8% (24/110)4.2% (1/24)95.8% (23/24)
Age, median (range)71 (22–85)73 (62–83)70 (22–85)0.066
Symptomatic stenosis
 Stroke46.4% (51/110)11.8% (6/51)88.2% (45/51)0.339
 TIA12.7% (14/110)0% (0/14)100% (14/14)0.339
Asymptomatic stenosis40.9% (45/110)4.4% (2/45)95.6% (43/45)1
 NIHSS, median (range)0 (0–25)0 (0–10)0 (0–25)0.749
 mRS 0–286.4% (95/110)6.3% (6/95)93.7% (89/95)0.299
 mRS 3–513.6% (15/110)13.3% (2/15)86.7% (13/15)0.299
 NIHSS, median (range)0 (0–14)0 (0–5)0 (0–14)0.767
 mRS 0–294.5% (104/110)7.7% (8/104)92.3% (96/104)1
 mRS 3–55.5% (6/110)0% (0/6)100% (6/6)1
Contralateral ICA pathology1
 Contralateral ICA intervention (stent or thromboendarterectomy)10.9% (12/110)0% (0/12)100% (12/12)
 Contralateral ICA stenosis >40% or ICA occlusion40.9% (45/110)4.4% (2/45)95.6% (43/45)
Procedure performance
 Acute CAS2.7% (3/110)33.3% (1/3)66.7% (2/3)0.204
 Subacute CAS36.4% (40/110)12.5% (5/40)87.5% (35/40)0.146
 Elective CAS60.9% (67/110)3.0% (2/67)97.0% (65/67)0.058
Duration of procedure in min, median (range)40 (33–47)40 (15–145)35 (27–100)0.259
  • CAS, carotid artery stenting; ICA, internal carotid artery; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; NIHSS, National Institute of Health Stroke Scale; TIA, transient ischemic attack.