Table 1

Baseline and procedural characteristics

CharacteristicPatients (N)
Age, years71.3±12.4 (204) (mean±SD)
74/65–80 (median/IQR)
Female61.8% (126/204)
Baseline NIHSS15.4±5.8 (204) (mean±SD)
16/11–20 (median/IQR)
 < 1646.6 % (95/204)
 16 – 2032.8 % (67/204)
 > 2020.6 % (42/204)
CT ASPECTS*: per site assessment8.7±1.2 (173) (mean±SD)
9/8–10 (median/IQR)
MR DWI ASPECTS: per site assessment7.4±1.5 (30) (mean±SD)
8/6–8 (median/IQR)
IV rt-PA administered prior to procedure61.8% (126/204)
Time from symptom onset to hospital admission (min)115.3±78.6 (204) (mean±SD)
97.0/58.5–154.5 (median/IQR)
Site of vessel occlusion
Internal carotid artery/carotid T21.1% (43/204)
Middle cerebral artery78.9 % (161/204)
First segment (M1)60.8% (124/204)
Second segment (M2)18.1% (37/204)
Procedural information
Penumbra ACE Catheters, (% n/N) All patients (n=204)
Frontline device
 ACE6865.7 % (134/204)
 ACE6432.8 % (67/204)
Other Penumbra catheters: 3MAX, 5MAX, ACE 601.5% (3/204)†
Frontline ACE68/64 catheter passes1.6±0.9 (201) (mean±SD (N))
1/1–2 (median/IQR)
Additional mechanical intervention (% n/N)‡ ACE 68/64 PATIENTS n=201
Stent retriever after Penumbra System, total20.9 % (42/201)
 Target vessel/remaining clot13.4 % (27/201)
 Distal vasculature9% (18/201)
Stent for proximal stenosis or dissection2% (4/201)
Balloon angioplasty for proximal stenosis2% (4/201)
Catheter from other manufacturer1% (2/201)
  • Data are % (n/N) or mean ±SD (N) (median) (IQR). ASPECTS, Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score; IQR, interquartile range; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; mRS, modified Rankin Scale.

  • *One patient with ASPECTS score not available due to a previous stroke. Principal Investigator confirmed the inclusion of the patient.

  • †Three patients were treated with ACE60, 3MAX, or 5MAX, admitted under protocol version B.

  • ‡Patients may have more than one additional mechanical intervention.