Table 1

Clinical characteristics and therapeutic process of the study population

Clinical characteristicWith VWCs (n=22)Without VWCs (n=79)P values
Age (years) (mean±SD)74.7±13.775.0±10.40.62
Women12 (55)35 (44)0.39
Diabetes4 (18)17 (22)1.00
History of hypertension17 (77)49 (63)0.21
Atrial fibrillation14 (64)53 (68)0.70
Current smoker6 (30)34 (53)0.07
Baseline NIHSS score15.5 (10.8–22.3)20.0 (14.0–26.0)0.14
Intravenous rt-PA7 (32)34 (43)0.34
Location of occlusion0.54
 ICA10 (45)28 (35)
 MCA M16 (27)28 (35)
 MCA M2 or more distal5 (23)13 (16)
 VA/BA1 (5)10 (13)
Stroke subtype0.38
 Large artery atherosclerosis3 (14)8 (10)
 Cardioembolic15 (68)64 (81)
 Other/unknown4 (18)7 (9)
Device reaching distally*17 (77)44 (56)0.07
No of device passages2 (1–5)2 (1–3)0.08
mTICI ≥2 b reperfusion16 (73)70 (89)0.06
Intracranial hemorrhage10 (45)27 (35)0.35
Subarachnoid hemorrhage5 (23)12 (15)0.40
Good clinical outcome7 (32)37 (47)0.21
  • Values are n (%) or median (IQR).

  • P values calculated by Fisher’s exact test for categorical data and the Mann–Whitney U test for continuous data.

  • *Distal sites where devices reached were defined as the M2 portion of the middle cerebral artery, the P2 portion of the posterior cerebral artery, or more distal.

  • BA, basilar artery; ICA, internal carotid artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; MTICI, modified Treatment in Cerebral Ischemia; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; rt-PA, recombinant tissue plasminogen activator; VA, vertebral artery; VWCs, vascular wall components.