Table 2

Detailed description of medium vessel occlusion case scenarios

Occlusion siteCase vignette
M3A patient in their late 60s presents with dysphasia. The NIHSS is 4, ASPECTS on non-contrast CT is 10. CT angiography shows an M3 occlusion. Symptom onset was 2 hours ago. The premorbid functional status was normal. How would you treat this patient?
A2A patient in their early 60s presents with right sided leg paralysis. The NIHSS is 3, ASPECTS on non-contrast CT is 10. CT angiography shows an A2 occlusion. Symptom onset was 4 hours ago. The premorbid functional status was normal. How would you treat this patient?
P2A patient in their mid-50s presents with left sided hemianopia. Their NIHSS is 2, ASPECTS on non-contrast CT is 10. CT angiography shows a P2 occlusion. Symptom onset was 3.5 hours ago. The premorbid functional status was normal. The patient isan Air Canada pilot. How would you treat this patient?
  • ASPECTS, Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale.