Table 1

Demographic characteristics study population

VariablesTotal cohort (n=118)Confirmed stroke* (n=48)
Age (mean±SD)64.9±15.764.4±15.4
Male gender57.6% (68)60.4% (29)
Stroke*40.7% (48)100% (48)
COVID related apical findings on CTA†28.0% (33)37.5% (18)
 Ground-glass opacity28.0% (33)37.5% (18)
 Consolidation5.1% (6)6.3% (3)
COVID (+) on nasal swab RT-PCR26.3% (31)37.5% (18)
Diabetes type II40.7% (48)37.5% (18)
Hypertension73.7% (87)77.1% (37)
Coronary artery disease28.8% (34)27.1% (13)
Congestive heart disease10.2% (12)10.4% (5)
Dyslipidemia41.5% (49)39.6% (19)
Atrial fibrillation23.7% (28)29.2% (14)
Prior stroke28.8% (34)29.2% (14)
BMI (mean±SD)28.1±6.228.4±6.1
Smoking status33.1% (39)33.3% (16)
 Current12.7% (15)14.6% (7)
 Former20.3% (24)18.8% (9)
NIH Stroke Scale (mean±SD)9.2±8.712.0±8.0
Common presenting neurological symptoms
 Altered mental status34.7% (41)25.0% (12)
 Headache19.5% (23)12.5% (6)
 Dysarthria38.1% (45)52.1% (25)
 Syncope/unresponsiveness15.3% (18)14.6% (7)
 Facial droop28.8% (34)50.0% (24)
 Numbness29.7% (35)37.5% (18)
  • *Stroke that is confirmed on imaging.

  • †Apical findings on CTA indicative of COVID-19 infection include typical and indeterminate findings. Note that indeterminate findings are considered secondary to COVID-19 infection during pandemic.