Table 2

Primary safety and efficacy endpoint rate through 12-month' follow-up (CEC adjudicated)

EndpointSummary statistics
95% CIPerformance goalP value*
Primary efficacy endpoint†76.7%(67.0% to 86.5%)50%<0.001
Primary safety endpoint5 (4.3%)(1.4% to 9.8%)25%<0.001
 Major ipsilateral stroke4 (3.4%)(0.9% to 8.6%)
 Neurologic death1 (0.9%)(0.0% to 4.7%)
  • *One-sided binomial exact test of success against the performance goal at 12 months (α=0.025).

  • †Multiple imputation for missing data.

  • CEC, Clinical Events Committee.