Table 2

Thrombus imaging characteristics for ER-LVO and NER-LVO patients at baseline CT imaging.

Thrombus imaging characteristicsER-LVO, n=48NER-LVO, n=101P-value
Occlusion location – no./total (%)
 ICA 0/48 (0%) 27/101 (27%) <0.01
 M131/48 (65%)57/101 (56%)0.35
 M2 17/48 (35%) 17/101 (17%) 0.01
DT (mm) – median (IQR) 27 (14–33) 12 (0–23) <0.01
Thrombus length (mm) – median (IQR) 17 (10–21) 27 (15–38) <0.01
Thrombus perviousness (HU) – median (IQR)13.6 (7.1–22.6)11.0 (1.4–21.1)0.29
Thrombus attenuation (HU) – median (IQR)42.7 (36.8–47.4)46.0 (36.5–55.0)0.16
CBS – median (IQR) 8 (7–9) 6 (5–8) <0.01
  • Occlusion location was assessed in all 149 patients. DT was measured in 131/149 patients, thrombus length in 117/149, thrombus density and perviousness in 73/149, and CBS in 124/149.

  • CBS, clot burden score; DT, distance from terminus of intracranial carotid artery to the thrombus; ER-LVO, early-recanalized large vessel occlusion; ICA, internal carotid artery; M1, middle cerebral artery M1 segment; M2, middle cerebral artery M2 segment; NER-LVO, non-early-recanalized large vessel occlusion.