Table 2

Selected baseline characteristics according to time from symptom onset to needle

Time from symptom onset to needleP value
0–3 hours (n=316)>3 hours (n=92)
Age at inclusion (years), median (IQR)31672 (64–81)9274 (67–81)0.27
Female sex, no. (%)316159 (50.3%)9250 (54.3%)0.55
NIHSS, median (IQR)31617 (13–20)9217 (12–20)0.8
Pre-stroke mRS, no. (%)316920.8
 0269 (85.1%)77 (83.7%)
 146 (14.6%)15 (16.3%)
 41 (0.3%)0 (0.0%)
Weight (kg), median (IQR)29375 (65–85)8975 (68–85)0.81
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg), median (IQR)312147 (130–160)91149 (135–163)0.58
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg), median (IQR)31080 (70–90)9080 (71–90)0.99
Heart rate (beats/min), median (IQR)30975 (64–88)8874 (63–86)0.86
Previous ischemic stroke, no. (%)30430 (9.5%)9011 (12.0%)0.55
Previous transient ischemic attack, no. (%)30014 (4.4%)897 (7.6%)0.28
History of hypertension, no. (%)306185 (58.5%)9254 (58.7%)1
History of atrial fibrillation, no. (%)29928 (8.9%)8811 (12.0%)0.42
History of hypercholesterolemia, no. (%)29898 (31.0%)8933 (35.9%)0.38
Previous intracerebral hemorrhage, no. (%)3072 (0.6%)900 (0.0%)1
Prior myocardial infarction, no. (%)30137 (11.7%)894 (4.3%)0.047
Warfarin or other anticoagulant, no. (%)31611 (3.5%)925 (5.4%)0.37
Aspirin, no. (%)31684 (26.6%)9221 (22.8%)0.5
Statin or other lipid lowering agent, no. (%)31691 (28.8%)9228 (30.4%)0.79
Blood glucose level (mmol/L), median (IQR)3036.5 (5.7–7.5)826.6 (5.9–7.6)0.46
INR, median (IQR)2531.0 (1.0–1.1)671.0 (1.0–1.1)0.62
Platelet count (×109/L), median (IQR)314225 (187–268)91228 (192–280)0.28
Hemoglobin (g/L), median (IQR)316137 (125–146)92137 (123–147)0.84
Glomerular filtration rate (mL/min), median (IQR)31676 (62–90)9274 (60–90)0.89
Baseline imaging, no. (%)31692<0.001
 CT177 (56.0%)28 (30.4%)
 MRI137 (43.4%)63 (68.5%)
 Both2 (0.6%)1 (1.1%)
ASPECTS (core lab), median (IQR)3158.0 (7.0–9.0)928.0 (6.0–8.5)0.004
Baseline intracranial occlusion site, no. (%)316920.99
 Distal ICA - I12 (3.8%)4 (4.3%)
 Distal ICA - I and M12 (0.6%)0 (0.0%)
 Distal ICA - L41 (13.0%)13 (14.1%)
 Distal ICA - T37 (11.7%)8 (8.7%)
 Distal M196 (30.4%)29 (31.5%)
 Distal M23 (0.9%)1 (1.1%)
 Proximal M1110 (34.8%)34 (37.0%)
 Proximal M215 (4.7%)3 (3.3%)
Tandem lesion, no. (%)31645 (14.2%)9218 (19.6%)0.25
  • ASPECTS, Alberta Stroke Programme Early CT Score; ICA, internal carotid artery; INR, International normalized ratio; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; N*, number of patients with non-missing data; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale.