Table 2

Procedural data and technical results

CharacteristicFrequency (n=41)
Double antiplatelet therapy administered0 (0%)
Successful deployment and manipulation41 (100%)
Total number of Nautilus devices implanted41 (100%)
 Nautilus 4 mm3 (7.3%)
 Nautilus 5 mm8 (19.5%)
 Nautilus 6 mm15 (36.6%)
 Nautilus 7 mm15 (36.6%)
Complete neck remodeling41 (100%)
Insufficient neck coverage followed by device replacement3 (7.3%)
Successful detachment41 (100%)
 Via detachment handle38 (92.6%)
 Via manual operation3 (7.3%)
Microcatheter for Nautilus delivery
 Excelsior SL 104 (9.75%)
 Headway 17 Advanced37 (90.2%)
Navigation through the Nautilus41 (100%)
Device- or procedure-related complications1 (2.4%)
 Infarct1 (2.4%)
 Thromboembolic0 (0%)
 Parent vessel rupture0 (0%)
 Aneurysm rupture0 (0%)
 Iatrogenic vasospasm0 (0%)
All-cause mortality3 (7.3%)
Overall rate of good neurological outcome38 (92.6%)
  • Data are n (%).