Abstract O-011 Table 2


Case No.Stent Type, Number, and Size (mm)No. of Stents Covering InjuryStent SuccessfulFollow-Up ImagingDelayed Complications
1 1 Silk Vista Baby: 2.5 × 10 1 Yes MRA, no in stent thrombosis at 6 months None
2 1 PED: 2.5 × 12 1 Yes CTA, no in stent thrombosis at 1 month None
3 2 PEDs: 3.5 × 12, 3.75 × 12 2 Yes MRA, no in stent thrombosis at 16 months Post-operative epistaxis in hospital
4 1 PED: 3 × 14 1 Yes MRA, no in stent thrombosis at 13 months TIA 9 days post-PED, resolved without deficits
5 3 PEDs: 3.25 × 10, 3.5 × 12, 4.75 × 12 2 Yes Not available None
6 2 PEDs: 3.75 × 14, 4 × 14 1 Yes Not available Not available
  • Abbreviations: CTA, computed tomography angiography; MRA, magnetic resonance angiography; PED, Pipeline Embolization Device; TIA, transient ischemic attack