Table 2

Multivariate analysis for heparin bolus administration during endovascular treatment in anterior circulation stroke patients receiving intravenous thrombolysis (IVT+) or not (IVT–).

ParameterACS patients
OR (95% CI; p-value)OR (95% CI; p-value)
mRS shift at 3 months*2.40 (1.34 to 5.06; <0.05)1.00 (0.55 to 1.81; 1.00)
Mortality*3.73 (0.87 to 15.91; 0.08)1.12 (0.50 to 2.49; 0.78)
TICI 2b-3†0.88 (0.21 to 3.72; 0.86)0.40 (0.13 to 1.22; 0.11)
ICH at 24 hours‡0.40 (0.13 to 1.26; 0.12)1.13 (0.42 to 3.07; 0.81)
  • *Ordinal and logistic regression analyses adjusted for age, sex, pmRS, NIHSS, SO to door, door to groin, SO to IVT (IVT+ group only), ASPECTS, successful reperfusion, and overall complications.

  • †Binary logistic regression analysis adjusted for age, pmRS, NIHSS, ASPECTS, SO to door, door to groin, SO to IVT (IVT+ group only), and retrieval attempts.

  • ‡Binary logistic regression analysis adjusted for age, pmRS, NIHSS, SO to door, door to groin, SO to IVT (IVT+ group only), retrieval attempts, and successful reperfusion.

  • ASPECTS, Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score; CI, confidence interval; ICH, intracranial hemorrhage; IVT, intravenous thrombolysis; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; OR, odds ratio; pmMS, premodified Rankin Scale; SO, stroke onset; TICI, Thrombolysis In Cerebral Infarction.